Name: Alix Sullivan
Title: Operations Manager
City of Residence: Calgary, Alberta
Start date at Exempt Edge: September 2017
What is your role at Exempt Edge?
My role with Exempt Edge has been changing and evolving since I started with the team. My role now is heavily focused on operations and making sure that things are running smoothly. I am also focused in client relations, development testing and working directly with the development team in working through challenges and solutions.
What drew you to Exempt Edge originally? How has the company evolved since?
I was first exposed to Exempt Edge through working with Olympia Trust Company. Exempt Edge was in its infancy and we were starting to learn about this new product and how it was going to shape our industry. I had been approached by Stephen Preston to learn more about the Exempt Edge Software and to see if I would be interested in joining the team. His enthusiasm and passion for this work was really enticing to me. Getting to be a part of a start-up project and having the opportunity to be directly involved in the growth and success of it while using my skills was a no brainer and I haven’t looked back since.
What is most rewarding about your job; what makes it all worthwhile?
The “Aha” moment when a client is able to see the work we’ve put in and sees how it is going to transform the way they run their tasks. For me it’s all about taking the clients vision for the software and making it a reality.
What does a normal day in the office look like for you?
No two days are alike and this is what I love so much about the job. My mornings are usually full of time spent with our developers going over the system and how we can make improvements. I also spend time with the clients making sure their needs are being met and helping resolve any difficulties they may be experiencing. When I’m not working with the developers or our clients, I’m usually working on creating processes, testing new features or working with them team to create helpful tips, tricks and information for our webinars and resource centre.
What is the most important trend you see today within the Private Capital Markets of Canada?
I am seeing an industry wide need for technology. We are connected through technology in so many areas of our lives and without technological adaption in the industry we are just going to become further and further behind making it harder to catch up.
What are your hopes for our industry?
My hope is that we will be able to come together as an industry and come up with cohesive processes and learn from each other so that we can all reach our collective goal. I think we have a lot to learn from each other and if we can work together we will all have the best possible outcomes.
What are three career lessons you’ve learned thus far?
Be Flexible
Be willing to work as a team
Don’t be afraid to push yourself
You’re happiest when?
I’m on the side of a mountain
Baking and decorating in the kitchen with my friends
Spending time with my husband and our bunny George Washingbun!
Hanging out with my sister and her 4 kiddos
Three words to best describe you
What is your proudest moment working at Exempt Edge?
We have been putting in a huge amount of work to upgrade the way the system looks, feels and its overall usability. I am really proud to be a part of that growth and am excited to see the positive effect it will have on all of our users.